Collection Authority Statement
Environment and Energy Division collects personal information under the legal authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, SO 2006, Chapter 11, Schedule A, s 136(c) and the City of Toronto By-law No 851-2017. Your name and email address will only be used to keep you informed about the progress of the TransformTO Net Zero Strategy. Questions about this collection can be directed to the Program Manager – Environment, Environment & Energy at Metro Hall, 2nd Floor, 55 John Street, Toronto, M5V 3C6 or 416-397-0311.
Terms of Use
Submissions will be reviewed by City of Toronto Staff to ensure that the appropriate guidelines below are met.
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- Language that may be considered harmful, profane, obscene, discriminatory, defamatory, hateful, abusive, threatening, or otherwise offensive to others.
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o Personal identification information
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o Unsolicited chain mail
o Criticisms using insulting language
o Unsolicited or irrelevant product and business promotion
o Hateful or shaming remarks like comments about physical appearance
By making a submission to TransformTO: Getting TO Net Zero: Idea Board, submitters warrant that any entry is original and does not infringe any third party intellectual property and assign all intellectual property rights in any materials created to the City of Toronto, including, but not limited to, copyright and all economic rights, including a waiver of moral rights, with no compensation or further consent required.
Submissions that do not pass the formal review shall not be included on the website. Submissions that include threatening or illegal content may be brought to the attention of the appropriate body for possible investigation by appropriate law enforcement organizations.
Social media linked submissions that do not meet copyright or other submission requirements will be removed from the site. In order to make a submission, you must be at least 18 years of age, or you must have a parent or guardian post it for you. By making a submission, users agree to accept all legal liabilities for their content, and agree to hold the City of Toronto, its Councillors, officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, successors and assigns and all others associated with the administration of TransformTO: Getting TO Net Zero: Idea Board harmless.
Notice of Public Record
Please note that all approved submissions will be considered records that are available to the general public under section 27 of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Help Toronto get to net zero by 2050 or sooner.
To reach the City’s net zero emissions target, everyone – residents, businesses and government – will need to do their part.
As the City works to develop its net zero strategy, we want to hear from you!
How can the City support you and/or your local community to take climate action? What would inspire, encourage or assist you to improve the energy efficiency of your home; walk, cycle or take transit instead of driving; and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill?
This activity closed on August 4, 2021. Learn more about how you can get involved with TransformTO and net zero.
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